As part of my ongoing adventure in teaching myself 3D, I now proudly present the Banana Cabana’s ultra-safety conscious Desk Clerk (and Howie’s best friend), OCTO!
Almost Naked Animals 3D-ified: Bunny
The Banana Cabana Reunion--Heeerrreee's NARWHAL!!!
Back to the Banana Cabana (AGAIN!)
Henry VS. His Demons
The Creation of Nordburt
A creature named "Slop"
So…I’ve NEVER used Blender 2.8 before and I’ve NEVER attempted a character before (aside from the hand & legs sticking out from under the anvil in “The Sucker”).
What better way to experiment with Blender 2.8 than by just diving in and making something quick? I know this guy is completely built wrong but I just wanted to play.
Good gravy is Blender 2.8 ever different! It seems absolutely fantastic but there’s so much to learn over again…and I think I found a few frustrating bugs. But this was so much fun! AGAIN!!!
A creature I lovingly named “Slop”