Learning 3D animation!
A Spaceship Corridor
Well, diving into Blender 2.8 has been A LOT of fun so far! To help me adjust to the changes from the upgrade of the previous version, I decided to follow this great tutorial by Ducky 3D on creating a simple 3D environment for Beginners (that’s me!). The whole thing took me about 15 minutes to create and is a great intro to EEVEE (the new, ultra-amazing rendering engine in Blender 2.8)
I can’t take any credit for how cool this hallway looks, it’s pretty much straight from the tutorial.
Where I stopped following the tutorial is when he started talking about adding a character by going to a website and downloading it. I don’t play that. So, I’ll be updating this post soon with my own little addition(s) to the scene! Stay tuned for more coming soon!
A creature named "Slop"
So…I’ve NEVER used Blender 2.8 before and I’ve NEVER attempted a character before (aside from the hand & legs sticking out from under the anvil in “The Sucker”).
What better way to experiment with Blender 2.8 than by just diving in and making something quick? I know this guy is completely built wrong but I just wanted to play.
Good gravy is Blender 2.8 ever different! It seems absolutely fantastic but there’s so much to learn over again…and I think I found a few frustrating bugs. But this was so much fun! AGAIN!!!