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Henry VS. His Demons

Since beginning my fairly recent & sporadic adventure in teaching myself Blender, as I’ve shared I have utilized a few absolutely fantastic & reliable resources to guide me on my journey.

This work was inspired and guided by the very talented, Grant Abbitt. He has a number of great tutorials and he teaches in a very clear, calm and fun way. I strongly recommend checking him out if you’re looking to get started. His Complete Beginners Guide to Blender 2.8 series was the foundation for this experiment.

As usually happens with all tutorials, I quickly veered off path to add my own twists and spins as ideas and inspiration start flooding my creative lil’ mind. I don’t know if what I ended up creating would still count as low-poly…but I tried and it was fun to play.

Working Low Poly made me feel very much like I was working on the Dire Straits music video, “Money For Nothing”. It was a lot of fun…and—don’t let the simplicity fool ya—not without it’s share of hiccups as you’ll see below…

Above is a turntable animation of the final scene. (You’ll notice, the lights are still acting weird by flickering, showing through geometry and other general funkiness).

This poor Lil’ Fella, is Henry. Henry’s just trying to get to his car. Henry has a date tonight (hence the corsage)

Nothing like a hulking demon blocking your path to spoil date night. Wait—what’s that in Henry’s pocket? Oh dear, it looks like Henry’s been hitting the bottle. Will anyone believe his tale of tonight’s events?

What kind of showdown doesn’t have an onlooker?

Poor Henry.

His situation doesn’t look good from here…

…or from here.

…or from here.


As I said, creating this scene wasn’t without it’s share of weird bugs. I had a lot of lights showing through meshes. (I painted them out of the final images) Above you can see the Demons eyes shining through the back of his skull & the headlights of the car showing through the fender & hood. It’s either my inept fumbling through Blender and not knowing how to solve problems yet or perhaps EEVEE bugs in Blender 2.82a(?) EEVEE’s amazing, but I’m not digging the way it deals with lights & think I might stick with Cycles until something improves. I really don’t like how the flashlight, car lights & streetlamps look dull and strange rather than coming from a definitive, strong light source.

Another unfortunate issue I had was, I intended for Henry’s car to be on fire. The simulation looked great in Blender—but I just couldn’t get it to show up in the render. (The above screengrab is taken straight out of my Blender viewport). T’would’ve been cool, ya’ll.



…and to a slightly lesser extent, THOSE ONES!!!

Simple trash & an Alley Cat

Just another view in Solid Mode.

Big Guy.